Our Beliefs at Chadbourn Baptist Church
Communion, A Photo Album, & A Tackle BoxIn Making Sense of Scripture, David J. Lose explores how asking questions becomes vital to the Christian faith. Lose states, " So in asking questions, we're actually exercising our faith by taking these things seriously, by entertaining possibilities that we can't see. If you have no questions about something, it doesn't really take much faith. That's knowledge, a good thing, for sure, but different from faith."1
Valuing the importance of asking questions, our pastor led us through a sermon series asking three big question of faith - Why Jesus?, Why the Bible?, and Why the Church? in October 2014. You can view the videos of these sermons on the right. You may also download a pdf of our pastor's sermon notes for this sermon series under each video. Through the image of communion, we understand Why Jesus? by recognizing that God choose to reveal God's self to the world through the person of Jesus. Through the image of a family photo album, we understand Why the Bible? by recognizing that the family pictures of God's family (humanity) is revealed through the stories of the Scriptures. Through the image of a tackle box, we understand Why the Church? by accepting our call to become fishermen and fisherwomen of people like Jesus' first disciples through the church's equipping of following Jesus and using the practices of the Christian faith much like a fisherman or fisherwoman uses a tackle box to catch fish. ___________________________________________ 1 David J. Lose, Making Sense of Scripture (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Press, 2009), 173. |
On his blog, Carey Nieuwhof explores how churches and leaders lack strategy for the church's calling to live out their vision and mission.1 Recognizing the truth of his thoughts, our church's vision, mission, and strategy is listed below. Our church's prayer is that our vision remains focused on Jesus Christ and our mission remains expressed through the Great Commission of Christ, and our strategy is broad enough to live our our vision and mission from a variety of perspectives and narrow enough to meet our current context and calling as a church both communally and personally.
1 http://careynieuwhof.com/2013/09/8-reasons-most-churches-never-break-the-200-attendance-mark/
- Our Vision (Why):
- Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior
- Our Mission (What):
- Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 18:18-20, NLT)
- Our Strategy (How):
- Remembering how we participated in the Life of Christ through the years past, so we can rediscover how to participate in the Life of Christ for the years to come within today’s context and culture.
1 http://careynieuwhof.com/2013/09/8-reasons-most-churches-never-break-the-200-attendance-mark/