About Chadbourn Baptist Church
On May 18, 1890, the schoolhouse in Chadbourn served as the site for an organizational meeting at which the constitution of Chadbourn Baptist Church was issued. Ministers Haynes Lennon, James A. Smith, and Alonzo H. Porter led the assembly. This small group of men and women fully subscribed to a Declaration of Faith, to a Covenant and to a set of specific Rules and By-laws by which life and conduct were to be governed. The same evening, the infant church conducted her first regular business conference. The conferees extended a call to the Reverend Thomas Jordan Cobb to serve as pastor for the remainder of the year at a salary of $125. In March 2013, the church called the Reverend Dr. Danny Russell to serve as her twenty-fourth pastor. Between these two pastorates, we have discovered God’s presence in our lives and became Christ’s hands and feet in Chadbourn, Columbus County, and beyond. Our church also partners with other local congregations to share and live the Gospel story in our community. A commitment of partnership in ministry began during the infancy stage of our young church with the local Chadbourn Presbyterian Church. In the Centennial Celebration of the Chadbourn Presbyterian Church, we learned of our support of the young Presbyterian Church. It reads, “After the organization, it was two years before the building of a house of worship was accomplished. During this time, the Baptists cordially extended the use of their church, when they were not occupying it themselves. This was gracefully accepted for one Sunday a month.” Since the early 1900’s and up to today, we enjoy partnering with area churches in support of seeing the community of Chadbourn discover the love of God, presence of Christ and work of the Holy Spirit. We are located in Chadbourn, North Carolina, which has been called “The Strawberry Capitol of the World.” Every spring, the people of Chadbourn host The Strawberry Festival, which is the oldest continuing agricultural festival in the state of North Carolina. As of the 2000 US census, there was a city population of 2,129 people and a county population of 54,749 people. You can follow these links to learn more about our community - Chadbourn and Columbus County. |
Statement of Identification and Purpose
Our church is the body of Christ with Christ as her head and individual members as her parts. We are a collection of believers bound together by our faith in Jesus Christ and a group of resourceful people possessing spiritual gifts called to ministry through the many activities and programs of our congregation. The purpose of this church is to worship God; proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; educate, train, and nurture people through the church programs that we may grow in faith, knowledge, and practice of the gospel; and to support and be involved in missions and ministries that we might share the gospel and minister to the physical and spiritual needs of each other, this community of Chadbourn and Columbus County, and the world. It is our desire to strive to be open and caring to each other and to maintain unity and equality among all members. |
Our Aim as Chadbourn Baptist Church
It is the aim of this Church to present the Living Christ, and thus a religion as considerate of persons as Jesus, as devoted to justice as the prophets, as responsive to truth as science, as beautiful as art, as intimate as the home, and indispensable as air. For the achievement of this aim, we bid you welcome, and we invite your attendance, your prayers, your gifts, your service.
It is the aim of this Church to present the Living Christ, and thus a religion as considerate of persons as Jesus, as devoted to justice as the prophets, as responsive to truth as science, as beautiful as art, as intimate as the home, and indispensable as air. For the achievement of this aim, we bid you welcome, and we invite your attendance, your prayers, your gifts, your service.